The ultimate switch developed out of the need to somehow bring back old times when you had switches (more than 1) that released any already pressed switch when a new switch is pressed. You would call that a 1 out of X logic or radiobuttons if you were in the microprocessor area.
During the development of the switch a few other options came to light and have been implemented. The one out of X-feature is only one of the options. Here they are:
- Using a momentary switch to avoid all the mechanical issues involved in 3PDTs.
- True bypass switching for effect units
- 1 out of X option aka radiobuttons (releasing other switches if new switch is pressed)
- Remote switching (any external momentary switch will do)
- Preset on power-on (active after power-on)
Version 2.0 superseeds V1.0 and incorporates a lot of minor changes that were done to improve the usability.
The Ultimate switch has been discontinued! If you are looking for the radiobutton feature you will find it in the new uBerSwitch or the Effect Control.