Category Archives: DIY

The 10-loop modular controller build report – chapter II

Since we have already built the audio switching part in the first chapter, we now do the microcontroller. In the beginning of the project there were several options on the display that can be used but due to the restricted time at hand the version with the OLED display most complete. They come in 1.3″ […]

Relay Switches – The story

The TH custom line of quiet switching Seriously: Everyone owns a pedal that sounds great but makes problems when switching it on and off. The reasons for this can be found in the “To popp or not to popp” knowledgbase-article. The other issue is the mechanical endurance of the switch itself. How long will it […]

Merlins Jenny Greenteeth

About this circuit Merlin Blencowe, also known as the Valvewizard (, introduces his new circuit on his projects page as follows: Jenny GreenTeeth started off as an experiment in making a chorus effect using the PT2399. Chorus is created by passing the signal through a very short delay line, somewhere between about 8ms and 25ms. […]

OD 67 Overdrive – DIY

[wpdm_file id=76] This is based on a DOD 250™/ MXR Dist+  overdrive which is a straight-to-the point distortion unit. In addition to that Brian Wampler has written a nice article in premierguitars which discussed a lot of modifications to optimize the circuit Those mods are switchable on the OD67 board. The most usefull one […]