Guitar Practice Amplifier

The practice amplifier combines the following features:

  • 1 – 1.5W power amp (9/12V)
  • Clean and distorted channel
  • Baxandall tone control (Treble / Bass)
  • Gain / Tweak / Volume – controls
  • AUX-IN (your favourite mp3-player) and Mix-Control
  • built-in reverb-unit
  • Reverb and Reverb-Tone- control
  • add a Valve-e-tizer to have orginal tube-sound !

There is a major problem with the prototype boards caused by a silly layout flaw. They need to be redone.

The project has been discontinued. There wil be a new project called “all-in-one” which follows a different concept!

3D rendered image of the board:
