Category Archives: slideshow
Since I have discontinued the PControl Looper I have received so many requests to as when the new PControl will be available that I cannot count them. Here is the documentation of the development of the new device and my thoughts – based on a lot of feedback and wishes I have received since I […]
Version 1.1: [wpdm_file id=48] Version 1.0: [wpdm_file id=35] Cool, what does it do? It enables you to play acoustic guitar on your gig without taking one with you. This circuit is known as Mark Hammers “Woody” and well recognized in the DIY area. Version 1.1 has a new layout which includes additional filter caps.
This is a subminiature equalizer where you are able to define the frequency bands YOU need. It will fit a 1590B from side to side. As this circuit features a special chip which is not easy to source you can also order the chip together with the board! Here is a drill template: [wpdm_file id=51] […]
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